
Friday, January 25, 2013

Mini chocolate trifle

Hello! After this little break, I'm coming back with an individual, cold and easy to make desert.

But first, I was very busy last week because we were doing renovations in the new flat, and cooking in the dust isn't the best! And, I can now show you a part of our new kitchen which soon, will be in the DIY section.

I wanted to make this desert after i tried to make a chocolate cake in a can. It's supposed to be a high cake that you can decorate very prettily:) But with me it overflowed everywhere and was stuck in the can... A disaster! But i kept the chocolate cake who was ugly but delicious.

The good thing with this chocolate trifle it's that you can make it ahead and stock it in the fridge. You can also make the chocolate cake ahead and freez it. Just don't forget to defrost it few hours before you start making this.

  • 1 chocolate cake
  • 110g of chocolat
  • 1 heavy cream pot
  • 1 small greek yogurt pot
  • 10 cl of milk

  1. Crumble the entire chocolate cake and place it in the bottom of each glass. Melt 90g of chocolate and mix it with the milk.
  2. Pour that into the glass. Mix chocolate cake's crumbs with half of the cream and jalf of the yogurt until light and smooth. Pour in the jar.
  3. Combine remaining cream and yogurt together  and add to the glass. Then repeat layers from the begining all the way to the top.
  4. When you reach the top, with a vegetable piller, grate the left over chocolate and set as decoration. Store it in the fridge.



  1. Bonjour, j'aimerai essayer votre recette mais pour le pot de crème vous ne précisez pas la quantité. Est-ce les petits pots ou les pots classiques moyens? Merci d'avance !

  2. Bonjour,
    J'ai utilisé un petit pot de crème de 275ml. La crème épaisse "Elle&vire" est très bien :)

    1. Merci beaucoup :) Je vous tiendrai au courant dès que j'aurai essayé votre recette ;) Merci de nous faire partager en tout cas et bonne continuation !

    2. Envoyez vos photos de la recette ! Je tiens à lancer un concours dans quelque temps basé sur les photos des lecteurs :)
